
Beach Boy - Add Newsprint (A Day For Daisies)

Hi everyone!

Struggling really bad with severe migraine and exhaustion! Can't look through blogs at the mo or reply to messages :-(

I made this card for A Day For Daisies - Use Newsprint Challenge:

I used:

New Shell Baby G Digi - ADFD
Kaisercraft Script Stamp onto the shell in brown ink
Coloured with Promarkers 

Papers - LOTV Beach Bliss
Cheesecloth - Ribbon Girl
Brown string, sequins, brown pearls, sentiment stamp from stash
Foam pads under the image 

Shells are from Woolacombe beach (North Devon) 6 years ago!

Thanks so much for visiting!

Lucy xx


Papertake - Build it up
Bunny Zoe's - Summer Breeze
Cutie Pie - As Cute as a Button


  1. Beautiful card Lucy. The image is so sweet. I hope your migraine eases soon and you feel much better. Hugs Michelle x

  2. You take it easy Lucy, I can totally identify with the migraines as a fellow sufferer, I always say you need to experience them to understand them as they are not just a headache as so many think.

    Love today's card.

    B x

  3. Hello Lucy. Such a cute card and a lovely design.
    You take care of yourself and rest. I hope the migraine goes away fairly soon. Thinking of you sweetie.
    Lots of love and gentle hugs, Sandra xx

  4. This is fantastic, Lucy. I love your card design with the cheesecloth, rope and shells - it all works so well together.
    I hope your migraine clears soon.
    Alison x

  5. So sweet Lucy love the twine edging and shells Take Care hope the migraine eases very soon Big hugs Carole x

  6. Fabulous card and lovely image Ginny x

  7. Awww poor you, horrible conditions, I hope you feel better soon.
    Love your sweet card, gorgeous little image and love how you have framed the topper with the twine, hugs Kate x

  8. Hiya, gorgeous card, hope you feel better soon, Liz x

  9. Such gorgeous card Lucy, I love the sweet image and the soft colours are so beautiful.
    I hope your migraine eases soon.
    Take care, Sue xx

  10. Hi Lucy
    Fabulous card... Love the image... The layout is wonderful....
    Hope you feel better soon Lucy...
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  11. Gorgeous card Lucy, I like the image and the string frame, really clever idea
    Kevin xx

  12. Lucy, this is a really lovely card, such a lovely delicate design. Hope you are feeling a little better...take care...

  13. love your coloring and the use of the string and cheesecloth - thanks for sharing your beautiful project at ADFD

  14. Another lovely creation! Thanks for playing at PTW! xxx

  15. Love the string frame, cute image too. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  16. Lovely card Lucy! Hope you feel loads better soon. Debra x

  17. This is so cute and full of such fabulous details; the twine frame and real shells give that gorgeous beach feel and the text stamped on the shell looks so lovely :-)

    Since I'm a few days late with my commenting here I really hope you are feeling better now.

    Big hugs, Kat xx

  18. Awww . . . so sweet! Love the text shell; it's such a great bit of texture. And those little shells are the perfect embellishments. Thanks for playing with LTSCB.

  19. Gorgeous card Lucy. Thank you for playing along with our Challenge at Creative Craft Cottage. We would love to see you again … Anet DTx

  20. Really sweet, Lucy - love the way you've used the twine as a frame.

    Thanks for joining us at Creative Craft Cottage

    Helen x


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